Gencoast is a company of builders, innovators, and problem solvers. Our strength is our people.  We all work together to meet our customers’ needs in the timeliest and most cost-efficient way, while always remaining focused on quality and safety.

RAS Systems

Gencoast provides the construction and management package to build RAS systems of any size. To date, Gencoast has built several RAS hatcheries/incubation, first feed/fry up to post-smolt.

Fish Hatcheries by Gencoast Construction


Gencoast provides the construction and management package for production and broodstock hatcheries. These are either an RAS and/or flow though set up, involving trays, jars or bulk incubators.

Effluent Systems construction business in Canada

Effluent System

Provide the construction package for Effluent treatment systems. Effluent treatment systems are the secondary and final treatment to facility waste prior to being discharged. This usually involves secondary filtration, solids settling and thickening via centrifuge. Prior to waste water discharge treatment is usually provide by ozone and/or UV’s.

Markets RAS Hatcheries Infrastructure construction of fish hatcheries


Site infrastructure is a large component of having a properly functioning site. This would involve, wells, influent treatments, back up power generation, and over all site layout. Our project management team has experience in retrofitting old sites as well as creating from greenfield.

Fabrication Gencoast aquaculture buildings


Gencoast offers plastic and metal fabrication for many of our projects, from custom boxes and tanks, to prebuild pipe manifolds. Building on or off-site in our shop will allow the project’s critical path to be shortened and make the installs much quicker.  Gencoast has HDPE fusion machines capable from ½” up to 36”, electrofusion, socket fusion, and extrusion plastic welding.